On my bike, en route to a new year's party last night, I discovered this school. That's right, they are the Scholarly Pirates. I wish I could have gone there... at my school, we were the Scouts. That's more bad-ass than Mules or Bulldogs, but I could have used more pirate training in my formative years.
Why hanging out with my friends was probably better than the big party I was thinking of going to...
surly barnacle: (to me) You live in a fantasy world! I can't believe you!
saucy brute: [action], we missed you!
surly barnacle: (to me and saucy brute) Are you guys talking about sex?
me: Big surprise...
saucy brute: Hey, stay out of this! [action] and I are just having some girl talk!
me: Oh boy...
I began my day in the good PA-Dutch way, with a first meal of pork & sauerkraut with mashed potatoes. Then I sat on my ass and watched college football all day (until I went and ate more pork & sauerkraut with mashed potatoes, while watching more football, at a friend's house). Woot Penn State!
holy crap, dude -- i think kelley teaches at the school right next to it. that's amphi middle, right?
i think you mean woot BOISE STATE!
I have no idea what the name of the school is... but I can tell you I was standing at Prince & Fontana, looking north, when I took the picture.
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