Tin Man (aka stone-lord, aka the original robot) taught all of us how to breathe fire with 151. It was as awesome as the photograph indicates. Despite everyone's intervention ([action]!! shake your fingers off! it's still on fire!!!), I burned my hand a bit. Now if Cup had lit her harp on fire during Iron Man, I would have gone through several more pairs of pants.
*photo taken by bowline... he wasn't any less drunk than the rest of us, but somehow he was the only one able to time the pictures correctly.
Awesome fireball, Action. I'll show you one of mine once this one a-hole sends it to me within a few weeks (even though it's been 6 months since it was taken).
Hey, how about a photo credit, Jonno! That is a pretty kickass fireball, but next time don't swallow all the booze :-)
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