Sunday, January 28, 2007

brewing & drinking: another hard day's work

Photo: Lady of the lake, when she visited me in AZ 2.5 years ago. This girl is one of the sweetest creatures to ever walk the face of the earth. While we were in college, she used to go out and give rides to drunk girls in the wintertime (which, in State College, included sub-zero temperatures). At least once, a drunk girl puked inside her car. You would have think she'd have learned her lesson after this, but she simply continued on, resolute in being kind and generous to everyone she'd meet. The way I learned from her character was my favorite part of dating her for two years.

Last night, I was chauffeur to several drunk people I'd never met before. Thankfully, there was no puking. surly barnacle: I hope you learn your lesson after tonight. Nope, I haven't... at least not in the way that he intended. I prefer the lesson learned from lady of the lake.

Song of the Day: Modest Mouse - Dark Center of the Universe

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