Monday, December 25, 2006

Like Cindi Lauper sings it

Christmas. It used to be a lot different... when I was little, I could never sleep on Christmas Eve, and I tore into my presents with abandon. Now, if I want something, I just buy it. So on Christmas morning, the first thing I do is pick up the gifts I got for other people and hand them off. Christmas is now, for me, an excuse to take a break, breathe, and hang out with family.

Here's one of the traditional Christmas photos for my dad's side of the family gathering. Since my dad is one of 7, there's no way to fit everyone into one picture. These are the male cousins, plus bird in the middle who is engaged to a cousin. Missing are D, who was with a girl he's sort of dating that is 28 years old to his 19 (we hate her), and his older brother M, who is stationed in Iraq.

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