Friday, December 1, 2006

carpe diem, boys, sieze the day

Pop quiz:

Let's say you're at the supermarket. On your shopping list are breadcrumbs, cheese, sour cream, and a, ahem, delicate item from the pharmacy. Also, let's say, for instance... you are a single heterosexual male. On the pharmacy side of the store, you notice a very attractive young woman. She is carrying an excellent satchel-bag, excellent enough that even if she wasn't gorgeous, you'd still want to compliment her on it. But this girl is gorgeous, and you're hoping that telling her about the bag will lead to laughter, mutual attraction, and perhaps even, a long way down the road, an act which requires said delicate item. Do you:

a) Buy the delicate item and talk to the girl anyway, hoping she won't notice or won't care.
b) Talk to the girl, but not purchase the delicate item for fear of embarrassment, which at worst may include being laughed at in derision / a kick to the nuts.
c) Walk away, brain paralyzed, too nervous to either buy what you came for or talk to the girl (who has certainly noticed you looking at her by now).

Once upon a time, a girl on a first date asked me, "So, what do you like to do?" It took me some time to answer, but eventually I said, "well, as much as I can, as often as possible." And of course, I meant that in a Boy Scout / Dead Poet Society way, as only a polite, mild hedonist. But in truth, I'm still stuck on (c). I'd like to stand up on that desk with sweaty-toothed Uncle Walt... but I'm still working up to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, let's see...a "delicate item," you say. Well, that could be one of a few things if you're at a pharmacy: 1) condoms, 2) jock itch cream/spray, 3) jock strap/cup, 4) feminine products.

If an attractive guy came up to me and proceeded to speak genuinely and nicely to me despite having said product in hand, here's what I would think:

1) Ballsy, but if he's not trying to seduce me, act coy, i.e., be a dick, then, hey, whatever, he's got moxy, but he's totally cool with protection. And I'm cool with that. (And, yes, boys, we can usually tell when you're being dicks...or trying, well, you get the idea.)

2) So he's got a bit of a problem. What's new? That's part of being a guy as much as the occasional yeast infection is part of being a gal. Again, he's comfortable with himself, so that's cool.

3) He plays sports! Awesome, let's chat more. That's a great ice breaker, and I don't doubt an athletic-minded gal would be totally cool with making the situation non-awkward.

4) Ok, this is the only weird one of the bunch. He probably has a girlfriend (ok, he'd better if he's buying tampons), so maybe he's just making idle chatter because a) he's a little nervous about the whole feminine products in his hand or b) you're waiting in a long line. Whatever. Unless he's a well-oiled sleezebag, he's probably not trying to do several girls at once.

The point of all of this is: HEY! TALK TO US! We won't this stage of the game, anyway....