Sunday, December 3, 2006

Two years later...

(First off, I've been bad about taking photos... this movie comes from Nopey @ booyakashah. But in all fairness, I did buy him his ticket for the show...)

I saw Calexico last night. I think it's impossible to live in Tucson for any length of time and not love seeing Calexico perform. They were awesome, with a couple extra performers they use for their big Tucson shows: a hardcore Mariachi trumpet player and another guy who has this huge, booming, operatic voice. I first saw Calexico with k-luv (also known as nunchucks), and I loved it... but seeing as it was also a very good 2nd date, I've always been not quite sure if it was just a mediocre band made incredible by a fantastic evening. Well, now I know... they really are that awesome. I was also very proud to be the k-luv of the group, pulling in several other friends to check out the gospel of musical goodness that is Calexico in Tucson.

Plus... I got to spend much of the evening hanging out with new, fun people. And it all culminated in a late-night Grill stop. The only thing better than the late-night diner run is the late-night diner run with Bodington's on tap.

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