Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Tucson Circle

I love 80s night. If you live in Tucson and you have not been to Club Congress on Monday night... you've missed out. There is a stage. You will see me on it. Especially if they play Billy Idol. And the best part about being a guy who likes to dance is that most girls seem to like that you actually enjoy moving with some kind of rhythm, even if you're terrible at it. I know that nonstop b.opp would agree. Although k-luv (above) has told me I have all the moves of a male stripper...

People say that Tucson has a million people when you include the whole surrounding area, but you wouldn't know it from the small circle of young people. Two examples:

1. nopbot has been fact-finding about a cute girl he saw at a concert. In less than a week, he managed to identify 5 different people who know her, but are all unconnected from each other.

2. I was talking with an ex we'll call S, whose sister's roommate just happened to start dating a friend of mine. This isn't that unusual, but things got weird when S said, "oh yeah, I was actually invited to hang out with your ex K [who now lives in San Francicso] while she was visiting Tucson for the weekend."

That's just far too middle-school for me.


nop.bot said...

you definitly need to run the marathon in your billy idol costume next year

nop.bot said...

lets also not forget that ex-S's sister makes like the 6th person who knows cutie mc concert-alot, thus closing the circle of tucson even tighter within your own blog post.

so sad.