s-process & OB in the office. Between grading, observing prep, and building materials for my summer-camp-style class labs, I've been spending a lot of time here. Today OB told us a very embarrassing story about a friend of his at Santa Cruz. Naturally, I found it necessary to tell my deepest darkest embarrassing secret to s-process and him:
"So I spent the summer between my junior and senior years of college sleeping on my buddy's couch. It was a great set-up, I only paid like $200 rent, and they didn't even want me to pay them that much, because it was actually my couch, in his living room. But it was a really comfortable fold-out style couch. So anyway, one morning I wake up, and I really have to pee. See, I usually slept in, because I was just doing astronomy research, whereas this other roommate had to get up early and go work at some computer science job. So this guy's in the bathroom, and I really have to pee, so I just go over to the kitchen and immediately start peeing in the sink. Well meanwhile, this guy comes out of the bathroom and walks into the kitchen, to make some cereal or something. I'm still peeing and I start thinking, aww fuck, I've been living here for two weeks and already they're catching me peeing in the sink. These guys are gonna hate me. Well, I finally finish, so I turn on the faucet and splash it around the sink to wash it all down, you know, and then I go back to sleep. That night, when I see the guy again, I ask him, so, did I get up early this morning and do anything weird? I kind of have this weird feeling that I was sleep walking or something... He says, yeah, it was weird, you got up and I heard you pacing outside the bathroom, then I saw you washing your hands in the sink. I say to him, Oh really? Washing my hands, huh? He shrugs, says yep. Though you were kind of splashing the water around, so it was kind of weird. I couldn't believe it. They never really found out that I was peeing in their sink."
Until today, I had kept this all to myself. And I think my living-room-lending buddy doesn't actually read this blog, so the truth may still remain hidden from him.
As you can see, I'm a little short on the deep-dark-secret department. (This is honestly my deepest-held personal secret, although now that the whole world can see it, I guess I'll have to figure out what's on deck.)
I completely forgot about fastnacht day on Tuesday. I know most people call it Mardi Gras, but I always grew up celebrating it with hole-less doughnuts made with lard. Most delicious holiday ever. Although I forgot this year, I looked for fastnachts here in Tucson the last couple years, and I couldn't find them anywhere.
Song of the Day: Great Big Sea - French Perfume
the doughnuts are called benet's (spelling?), you can get them at one particular restauraunt near bourbon street. luckily for me and my roomates, they stayed open late, so several late, late, late nights on bourbon street were capped off at this restaurant (cafe du monde).
oddly, we've also all pissed in someones sink. but again, we were drunk, and didn't like the person.
wow, now i sound like an asshole.
oh, and i think french quarter gets benet's shipped in from du monde. although i heard a rumor that du monde didn't survive katrina. but i'm not sure how, becuase i thought bourbon street was largely unscathed. maybe i'm just full of shit on all counts.
I swear I've heard that story before.
aleks: you point out another trait of my deep dark secrets: they're never actually secrets; I always tell at least one person. Damn.
nop.bot: I had no idea there was a similar cajun tradition involving doughnuts and lard. I was talking about this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fauschnaut_Day
That's "beignet." Pronounced "Ben-yay."
Benet was a small blonde six-year-old girl who was murdered in her basement.
Beignet. lol.
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