Tuesday, February 6, 2007

how I feel special

Last weekend I saw a tour going through my neighborhood, so I took a picture out the back window of my car. A few times a week, I see people walking down my street, talking photographs of the houses. In turn... I photograph them.

I gave my first-ever lecture today, for the class I'm TA-ing. It was a success: several students asked questions, and no one fell asleep. However, no one laughed at my characterization of reflecting telescopes versus refractors: long and skinny doesn't cut it for astronomers, we prefer some girth. One of the students even stuck around after class to ask me some extra questions. This teaching thing is totally crescent fresh.

I'm never so happy as when I'm formulating plans... even for minor, inconsequential stuff. Shout out to nop.bot for encouraging that, even if he was flying straight-edge.

Song of the Day: Wilco - Blue Eyed Soul


nop.bot said...

not straight edge anymore - got me some sake sucka!

bjswift said...


Saw this on Slashdot the other day...

bjswift said...

Try this instead

action said...

Huh! Although this morning there were two women set up with easels on the sidewalk, painting pictures of the neighborhood. I don't expect they're with that Zaio appraisal company...